Sunday, August 02, 2009

Transfer day

Today was our transfer day & everything went smoothly (minus my over-full bladder that I had to go partially empty - yeah, that was fun!). We transferred two beautiful embies & we've got 2 put away to freeze. We were kind of disappointed that there were only two embies left to freeze, but we keep telling ourselves that waiting until day 6 has weeded out any that wouldn't have survived the freeze/thaw process anyway, so we're saving "the creme of the crop!"

We've decided that we're not sharing the date of the beta with anyone at this time. With infertility, after sharing your hoo-ha with everyone and their brother, there is so little that is sacred, secret or special. Just rest assured that we will keep you all posted when we're ready to share the news (good or bad)!

Without further ado, here are the stars of the show...embies #16 & 19


Kara said...

Love those little embies! They look like superstars to me, that's for sure!

Erica said...

Wishing you all the luck in the world.

Ter said...

Isn't it amazing to have photos that early!

Wishing you all the best! (That statement just doesn't sound like enough, does it?)

Amy said...

They're beautiful! (Question: why is there a circle in #19?)

Anonymous said...

they look like they will make a beautiful boy or girl (or both?)
can't wait to hear results

Melissa Griffin said...

Those embies look beautiful and I completely understand about not sharing the beta date (i did the same) We are all pulling for you and cant wait until you are ready to share the news!!!

Candi said...

Praying, Teri! Praying that you get to empty that full bladder partially again in about 20 weeks and you'll have more pictures to share!

Kir said...

I have a very good feeling about those little superstars. Day 6..who-hoo!!! I can feel the success.

I will keep praying and am so glad it all went well. 2 to freeze is excellent and we too kept the date of our beta was the only thing that was "ours" so I completely understand.


Emily said...

Those are beautiful little blasts! I had a 6dt and it was a good thing for me :) You are in my thoughts and prayers - it is time for your happy ending!!
Your wait until beta should be nice and short - we will all be here when you are ready!
Stick babies, stick!!

Jack said...

Sending "positive" thoughts your way!

Mama of Litlles said...

i just found your blog and will be praying that God will protect your babies! Blessings!