I thought I would add a couple of updates to my gift wreck saga from yesterday.
The first thing I did was unwrap the gift and re-wrap it to make it presentable for the wedding. I have decided, however, that I am going to get the pictures of the mis-wrapped gift printed out & put them inside the card for the bride & groom at the wedding. Now, to the wrapper's credit, I did discover that she was attempting to wrap the package using an actual gift bag. It's basically like a decorative trash bag, which happened to only be slightly bigger than the gift itself, so I also realized that she had poked holes in the bag with the corner of the box as she was putting it in, which she then taped over on the outside of the package, adding further misery to the sorry shape of the gift. Yes, it would have been tricky to wrap the package neatly using a plastic-y gift bag, but I'm hard-pressed to believe that was the BEST she could do.
I ended up opening up the gift bag so that it was actually like a big, flat piece of gift wrap & this is what it looked like when I was finished with it...it's not perfect, but it's a far cry from what it did look like...
After I finished re-wrapping it, I also went online to submit an email to BB & B's customer service. As you can tell, we weren't upset about our experience there, but I thought that BB & B might appreciate a quality-control check (laced with a bit of wry humor). Here is what I sent them:
I love your store, but if I could get you to stop by my blog today and look at the entry/pictures of the package I received at your gift wrap station at one store today, I would greatly appreciate it! I''m not giving negative publicity, but it might make you wonder a bit about quality control...http://pennstateprincess.blogspot.com/2009/06/gift-wrecks.htmlI, of course, unwrapped and re-wrapped the package once we got home (and had a good laugh in the mean time about the sorry state of my package!I got a response this morning asking for information about which specific store it was, so I am going to reply with that...I'll keep you posted about their response!