Monday, July 27, 2009

B is absolutely amazing!

I don't have a ton of time to update...I have to run out the door in about 5 minutes to go get my first PIO shot from my nurse co-worker, but I wanted to keep all my bloggy-buddies in the know...

Today was an awesome day! G & I left the shore house around 7:30 this morning & made it to the RE's office around 10. B had been there since 8:15AM, but she had already been taken back to be prepped for the retrieval by the time we got there, so we communicated via text until she got taken back. Around 11, G was called back to give his sample & then about 30 minutes later, I got a text from B that brought tears to my simply said "They got 36 eggs!!!!" It's enough to make this 3-egg-producing girl shout for joy! Seriously - that girl is the most fertile infertile I've ever seen! She came out just minutes later & we saw she & her hubby off (she was in pain and just wanted to lie down in the car and relax).

The fert report should be in tomorrow & then we're looking at a transfer on either Thursday or Saturday...with a slight possibility of Sunday. Please keep praying! God is in control and God is GOOD!


Erica said...

Wow! I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Ter said...

wow, good news for sure.

You actually got me thinking...

I can't have live children, obviously, but if my eggs were donated to someone else, would they lose the baby too? Hmm maybe that's something to think about... investigate.

Amy said...

OMG, Teri, that's the most I've ever heard of anyone producing at one retrieval! The most I'd ever heard of before this is 22 eggs. Can't wait to hear the fert report!

Stockpiling Mom said...

Praise the Lord!!!!

embieadoptmom said...

Congrats on all those eggs! GREAT! PTL!!

Anonymous said...

WOO HOO! We are so excited and jumping for joy for you! And we'll continue praying for everything to go well. Keep us posted!

Kir said...

wow!!!!!! This is FANTASTIC news!!!!! OMG, I'm so happy for you. 36 eggs....holy cow!!!!! AMAZING.

Sending lots of prayers and good juju to you. God is definately working a miracle for you my friend.
